
This listing is for three 1.7-oz. (each) guest-sized rounds of all natural, handmade honey soap, with a beautiful honey color and light honey fragrance. Bees are my business. I love and use this soap every day.

I love to stand by my open beehives on sunny summer days and just breathe in the fragrance – the combs smell like every beautiful flower and rain and sunshine and wind all rolled into one! The light natural fragrance of my honey soap reminds me of that.

As someone with super-sensitive and often reactive skin, I appreciate all the benefits of honey for my skin. Science tell us that honey has natural humectant properties, which means it attracts moisture from the air to your skin. Honey is full of natural antioxidants. Honey also has bacteria-killing properties. It also has been used for centuries (and still today!) for skin healing and as an anti-inflammatory. My soaps have not been tested by the FDA and I make no claims as to their medicinal value. (I have to say that now, Etsy has revised the rules.)

Honey is… good.

Remember, this is a handmade soap. Some bars are lighter, some are darker. Occasionally you will find specs of bee propolis embedded in the soap - consider that a free super-healthy bonus! I promise that every bar will be of the same, high quality you expect from Lee's Bees products.

Customer feedback: "Words cannot describe my love for this soap. I have actually begun to get secretly excited when it comes time for my shower just so I get to smell the amazing scent of these little beauties. I can't even describe the deliciousness...just try them and smell for yourself! Oh, and my skin is ridiculously soft and clean. Again, thank you bees & thank you Lee's Bees!!!"

"Have used these soaps for 2 years now. My skin is extremely sensitive and I do well with these soaps. Also very nice scent! Always ships very quickly and seller is very honest and refunds overpaid shipping costs! Definitely the kind of seller you want to do business with!"

French Country 3 Guest Farm Soaps - All Natural Honey Soap by the Beekeeper
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Hand Crafted with Love + Good, Clean, Ingredients.

Bees are amazing creatures. For living beings so tiny in size, they possess far more patience, bravery and common sense than we could ever hope to have. I learn from everyday. That's why our products are not only good for you, but good for the bees and the earth too. Now that's something to party about!